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Ancestral Medicines

Medicinal Plants


Since the time of our ancestors, there has existed sacred plants through which we can experience healing, rebirth and the reconnection with our inner being. Each plant has a particular personality and serves a specific purpose. Some represent feminine or masculine energies, some are air, some are fire, some are kept in the mouth, others you drink, others are inhaled, and some are absorbed through the skin.

Medicinal plants can take us on a journey of rediscovery with our inner wisdom and internal power, reconnecting us with the history of our souls so that we can relearn the tools of physical, mental, and spiritual reparation and purification through consciousness and love. We are given the possibility to think, feel, and live in a world with more fluidity, health, and harmony in a truly natural way.

Initiating this journey requires purpose, passion, and trust, which allows the experience to take us as deep as possible into our inner being to receive all that we have to learn, remember, and transcend.

San Pedro
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