Ancestral Medicines
Ayahuasca is a Quechuan word that means “vine of the spirit,” due to the connection it allows us to have with the spiritual plane. It is a drink made from two plants that grow in the Amazon: Ayahuasca, which is a vine, and chacruna, which is a bush. These plants are mixed and boiled in water for many hours to obtain a thick consistency.
Over 10, 000 years old, this plant has been named “grandma” by the indigenous tribes of the Amazon for being the mother of all plants, due to the wisdom and guidance that is given when we connect with its spirit. It is considered the spirit of the earth and is drunk in a ritual or sacred ceremony guided by Shamans from Amazonian tribes.
This sacred medicine is used to purify and heal the spirit, body, mind, and emotions. In allowing us to access higher and expanded levels of consciousness, it connects us with the true sense of our existence. In this context, the spirit of ayahuasca heals, teaches, and scolds us in a loving manner and faces us against our difficulties and limitations. It allows us to understand the harmonious relationship between mother nature, other beings, and the universe. It reconciles us with our own existence, helping us love our essence and familial lineage.
Alongside its use for spiritual healing, it can be used to treat depression, PTSD, drug, medicine, and alcohol addiction, and to reduce anxiety and balance the nervous system.