Ancestral Medicines

I am Beatriz, native to Colombia, South America, land of the Condor of the Andes. I am here with love and passion to share the power of the sacred medicinal plants from South America. Chosen and honoured by these plants, I wish to share all the love and healing of their sacred energy; the same energy that has filled my life and spirit with infinite love and a greater purpose.
I was trained by Taitas (Amazonian tribal Shamans) who have always supported and reassured me in my mission.
Words will never be enough to describe the gratitude I feel towards them for believing in me and allowing me to share their sacred medicines.
I give thanks to my second home, Canada, for opening its doors and permitting me to share these sacred medicines for more than 14 years and to accompany hundreds of dedicated souls on their journey to physical and spiritual healing.
My heart has journeyed across the Americas with the conviction that my work would always be towards the manifestation of the legendary prophecy of the eagle and the condor. It has been my mission to share the fascinating gifts that the beloved lands of the south have provided to accompany us in this sought-after change of universal consciousness. These medicines allow us to heal, liberate, and transform our ancient physical and emotional memories that keep us from our true nature and sense of life. I hope to cross paths with anyone who dreams of a world resonating in harmony, compassion, and love. This purpose demands that each being who decides to embark on this journey be dedicated to a process of interior transformation. In healing ourselves, we will achieve the healing of our beloved Pacha Mama’s (Mother Earth’s) heart, waking up and transcending to elevated levels of consciousness. For this purpose, I have accumulated the experience that allows me to offer a safe space, surrounded with an ambience of familial love and happiness.
"The day will come when the Eagle and the Condor will fly together in the same sky, wing to wing, and the world will come to a balance"
The prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor

We are the condor which has come from the south to unite our wings with that of the northern eagle so we may fly in unity and share the same sky!